“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
Robert Swan

Our purpose at Excelsia Capital is to grow a Company in which responsible investing and diversity is embraced. Culture, gender, and education are strong contributors to our competitive advantage as we believe that diversity of thought ensures a more robust investment process. The fiduciary duty of safeguarding the long-term interests of our clients, primarily through benchmark beating returns, and our employees through the creation of a healthy working environment, ensures that we positively contribute to that part of society which we can impact directly.

Our core Responsible Investment objectives

The key aspects of our philosophy are:

Ensuring Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are integrated into our investment process, thereby ensuring our investment returns are sustainable and consistent over our long-term investment horizon.
Long-term sustainability includes ensuring companies embrace the adoption of the universally accepted United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, and that these goals are included in their ESG considerations.
As an active investor we aim to meaningfully influence ideological change within companies, whereby engagement with company management ensures that our investment decisions remain robust and that both our clients’ and investors’ rights are safeguarded.
Working collaboratively with the asset management industry enhancing “economies of scale” to achieve better outcomes.

We recognise that Responsible Investment extends into the broader investment industry, including industry bodies, the media, various platforms, events, and regulators. The proactive engagement with these industry participants and the adherence to regulatory policy and procedures forms part of the backbone of Excelsia Capital’s moral fibre. Our Responsible Investing policy is therefore a reflection of our investment ideology, mission, culture and values.

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